A mother's tear is the most painful and heart felt tear to be shed. A mother aches like no other person can.
As Joseph Smith was getting ready to be operated on as a boy, he asked his mother to leave the room. Joseph knew he was about to endure great pain and sorrow but knew it would hurt his mother Lucy Smith even more to watch him go through that pain. Joseph loved his mother greatly and wanted to save his mother whatever amount of pain he could. Even with this great act of courage though, Lucy was sure to have suffered a great deal this time, and every other time she saw her little boy walking with a limp.
President Nelson has spoken many times of the love and respect he has for the women of this church. He once said he became a surgeon because he could not become a mother. Like President Nelson not all of us can be mothers, but we can all appreciate our mothers for the tears they have shed for us and the sacrifices they have made in our behalf. Not every family situation is perfect, but each of us are here because each of us has a mother.
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