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Writer: Samuel PughSamuel Pugh

Updated: Mar 4, 2020

When it comes to doing any type of art, it is vital that we have a plan in place. This post will show you the 5 things you need to have prepared before you start if you want your piece to be a master piece.


1. Know your audience.

Before you ever start your artwork, you need to understand who your audience is going to be. This can be whoever you decide you want to target and appeal to, but it needs to be known beforehand. If you are in high school and want to impress that girl that does cheer and loves cute puppies, your drawing will look much different than if you are a professional trying to appeal men between the ages 25 and 35 who work in the steel mines. Knowing your audience will help guide you to know how to create your artwork with the best effect and appeal. Your medium, tone, focal point, and everything else will depend on who you want to appeal to.

2. What Medium are you Using?

This may seem like a simple and an obvious step, but what medium you use will change your artwork drastically. Some details will not look as good in different mediums. After you know who you are appealing to, knowing what type of medium best appeal to them will is your next step. Are you doing a drawing? Are you doing an oil painting? If you want to appeal to children, using watercolors and crayons may be a good place to start, if you are appealing to CEO’s of large corporations, using oil paint may be a better option.

3. What kind of tone do you want?

Next you need to know what kind of tone you want to give off. Different shades and different colors will give different tones and different feelings to your artwork. Do you want the viewer to feel excited when looking at your artwork? Or do you want them to feel sorrow? What do you want to be your focal point? If you want to give the viewer joy, using lighter colors such as yellow and blue are usually helpful, or if you are looking for sorrow, more grey and damp colors are much better. Each color can be used differently.

4. What is the most important factor?

You need to decide what or who will be the most important factor in your artwork. If you want everyone to be looking at the president in your artwork, you need to decide that before you ever start drawing/painting so you can decide how you will create them to stand out. Creating a focal point requires much more planning than simply putting them in the center of the painting or making them the largest. These do help, but they are not everything. You will want to decide how you can use implied lines, real lines, color contrast, position, and much more to cause the viewer to always come back to the most important factor of your artwork.

5. What else?

Do you have the vision? Can you see your artwork on the page before you have started? Creating great art is so much more than just looking at a pretty picture and copying it. When you create art, you have to follow certain rules to create your masterpiece. Make the artwork you, decide what other items you would like to add to your artwork to make it different from everyone else’s artwork, because there is only one you. We will go over these steps in more details in future posts to give more clarity and tips in how to best use them effectively. Keep following to understand how best to create your artwork with Recapture Art.

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